Grounds for pointing to the 'three unlawful police points' as being crimes committed by the police.

English translation is automatic translation.

"Police illegality 3 points" is a word that points out the act of "eavesdropping, voyeurism, and understanding of meditation."

It would be true that this three-point tort is being exercised against me.

It is impossible for the victim to take defensive measures against these three points of illegality.

In other words, the victim's life is completely destroyed.

And all of the perpetrators have covered up all their wrongdoings.

In other words, they have no means of resolution and are a complete destruction of the victims' lives.

Therefore, the grounds for recognizing these three illegal acts as police crimes are as follows.

  • Four times I directly questioned the police about this illegality, and twice I checked the facts in writing. However, in both cases, he falsely claimed that he was ignorant of the illegality itself, and did not reply.
  • I often went to Itabashi Police Station because of the "three points of police illegality". I have called 110 in the same situation many times. All of them have been committed to responding to the 'three illegal police points' by claiming that they have no knowledge of them.
  • In 1991, when I was already aware of the illegality of the police, the occurrence of police vehicle sirens, low-flying helicopters belonging to the police, and ambulance sirens were precisely matched to specific actions in my house. In other words, it was a blunt response to me, who had already grasped the lawlessness of the police. That act still occurs even today, exactly and blatantly according to my particular actions.
  • After 1991, crimes related to me and my residence began to occur. It is a matter of course that the police should know the relevant facts, but the police have never reflected them in the investigation.
  • There are things that cannot be done by anyone other than the police regarding the relevance.
  • In the land where I live, the actions of people who are governed by a single will are unfolding, but this situation shows the same development wherever I go, and this situation is fabricating my baselessness. It is a series of fabrications that the police have been plotting since before 1991.
  • It is certain that the police continue to fabricate things that I have no basis in fact, what never happened to me. This falsified fact-checking will collect and confirm information from police confessions and the public at large when police crimes begin to be dealt with openly.
  • Since November 19, 2019, when I uploaded "unmask", which describes the actual situation of police crimes, on the Internet, the back of the head and heart began to be hit directly by external physical effects. Despite the apparent homicide, the police do not perform their official duties in this regard.
  • For many years, the phrase "police illegality 3 points" has been expressed publicly on the Internet, etc., but the police have not responded. In other words, it is an implied affirmation and acceptance ← (confirmation of the document handed over to the police)
  • Cracking down on “three points of police illegality” is absolute. There is absolutely no such thing as me being the only victim.But even now, the police have not cracked down.and so on











  • 警察にこの不法の問題を直接問い質したこと4度、文書で事実確認を行ったこと2度。然し、そのいずれに於いても不法自体を知らないとし虚偽の主張をした、及び、回答しなかった
  • 「警察不法3点」に係ることで、板橋警察署に赴いたこと多。同事態で110番通報を行ったこと累々。その全警察官が「警察不法3点」に関して恰も不知であるとする対応に徹してきている
  • 既に警察の不法を把握していた1991年、警察車両サイレンの発生・警察所属ヘリコプターの低空飛行飛来・救急車両サイレンの発生が我が家屋内での特定の行動に正確に合わせてきた。つまり、既に警察の不法を把握していた私への露骨な回答である。その行為が依然として、今日に於いても我が特定の行動に正確に露骨に合わせ発生させてくる
  • その1991年を境に、私、及び、我が住居に関連した事が存在する犯罪が生じ始めた。その関連の事実は警察も把握して当然とする事態であるが、警察は全く捜査に反映させたことがない
  • その関連性に関しては、警察以外の者では行い得ないものがある
  • 我が居住の地で全体が1意思で統括された人の行動が展開されているが、この事態は我が行く先々で同じ展開を表し、そのざまは我が事実無根を捏造しているものであり、1991年前より警察が謀っていることの一連の捏造行為である
  • 警察は、我が事実無根・私に実現していない事を捏造し続けていることは確かであろう。この捏造の事実確認は警察の犯罪を公然の下で扱い始めた時に、警察の自供及び広く一般から情報を収集し確認することになる
  • 2019年11月19日、警察の犯罪の実態を書き著した「unmask」をインターネット上にアップロードした時以来、後頭部と心臓部に対し外因の物理的作用による直撃が始まった。他殺行為明白でありながら警察はこのことに於いても警察の公務を遂行しない
  • 「警察不法3点」の語句をインターネット上等の公然の環境下で長い年月言い表してきているが、警察は無対応である。即ち、黙示の肯定であり承諾である
  • 「警察不法3点」への取締りは絶対性である。被害者も私だけである等ということは断じて無い。然し、警察は依然として取締りを行っていない。等々


There are Words THEREFOR



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