Conditions for police crackdowns to be absolute

English translation is automatic translation.

  1. unilateral violation of the rights of the people promised to each and every citizen by the Constitution of Japan
      • a) Violation of fundamental human rights
      • b) Violation of the dignity of the individual as a person
      • c) Violation of the right to privacy
      • d) Violation of the right to life

3. the violation of "1." causes the complete destruction of the individual's life, and in particular, the total abrogation of the rights under Article 25 of the Constitution of Japan.

4. as long as the police do not take action, the damage caused to the victims and individuals in the society will continue to grow and increase.

5. infringement of "1." destroys social control and leads to social collapse.

If this illegal act had been carried out, the above "4. and 5." would be real.

Unless the above "5." becomes a reality, the Japanese will never understand this reality.

Humans are imperfect beings and are not saints.

Therefore, as long as one is a human being, one needs a time and a place where one cannot be captured by others, and one needs secrecy.

A concrete example of this is the space of our private lives and the inside of our heads, where thoughts and feelings are continuously woven.

Man is given freedom, but it is freedom within constraints, limitations, and restrictions. But there is complete freedom. Thoughts in your head, etc.If the inside of this person's head is captured by others, then one faces extreme difficulty in living in a human society, and this, along with anger, is more unbearable than anything else.

Only when this not being captured by others is obtained does an imperfect person gain the ability to live with others in a society of people.

Japanese people are unable to understand this obvious thing.

The Japanese who do nothing to stop the unforgivable crimes of the "illegal three police points" without cracking down on them are no longer a factor in human society, and are a destructive element of society that cannot be forgiven for remaining in human society.

It seems that the "police illegal 3 points" are spreading to the world.

The world is also a victimized society.

More than 2023/05/12.../


1. 日本国憲法が国民一人ひとりに約束している国民の権利が一方的に侵害を受ける

      • a) 基本的人権の蹂躙
      • b) 個人として人としての尊厳の蹂躙
      • c) プライバシー権の蹂躙
      • d) 生存権への蹂躙

2. 「1.」の権利を個人で守る手段が得られない

3. 「1.」の侵害行為で個人の生活が完全に破壊され、特に日本国憲法第25条の権利が全きまでに棄損される

4. 警察が取締りをしない限り、1社会に於ける被害者と個人に生じている被害は拡大と増長を遂げていく

5. 「1.」の侵害行為は1社会の統制を破壊し1社会崩壊を生む




    • 人が人である限り次のことは誰しもが例外なく理解していることである。
    • 人は不完全なものであり、聖人に非ず
    • 故に、人が人である以上は、他人から捕捉されない時と場を必要とし、秘匿をすることを必要とする
    • その具体的な例が、自分の私生活の場、及び自分の思考・感情等が絶え間なく織りなされる場なる頭の中である
    • 人には自由が与えられているが、然しそれは制約と制限・規制の中での自由である。然し、完全なる自由がある。それは、頭の中の思索等である。この人の頭の中が他人から捕捉されたなら人は人の社会で極めて生きることが困難な事態を迎え、怒りと共に何よりも耐え難い
    • この他人から捕捉されないことが得られて初めて不完全な人間は人の社会で人と共に生きることを得る







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