[48.-4] Illegality of the National Police Agency

English translation is automatic translation.

The act of executing the "three illegal police points" is a fact. With this understanding, I will proceed to write the following "Complete Denial of the Police Department" without this denial.

No victim has any means of defense against the perpetration of the "Illegal Police Three-Point".

Any confidential information, whether from an individual or an organization, will be unilaterally stolen if it is subject to these three unlawful points.

There are no exceptions to this rule.

Is the Japanese government not aware of this fact?

Does the National Police Agency, which is a component of the government and whose official duty is to crack down on illegal activities, have no awareness of this fact? The "Security Bureau," which is charged with protecting and maintaining the national system, and the "Security Planning Division," which is under its control, do not have any sense of crisis or awareness of their official duties over the past 31 years?

Who is in possession of this "three illegal police techniques" and who is exercising this illegality?

It seems that no one but a very limited number of people possess this technology at this time, but given the fact that only the illegal acts of the "three illegal police points" have been provided to an unspecified number of people, and that these illegal acts have spread to cover the entire world, if this technology were also provided to an unspecified number of people, the speed of its spread would be much faster. If this technology is also provided to an unspecified number of people, the speed of its propagation is immeasurable.

Does the Japanese National Police Agency, especially the Security Bureau and the Security Planning Division of the Public Security Police, have no sense of crisis in their duties?

The number of illegal three-point perpetrators must be so large that it covers the whole world. If so, the provision of technology that would allow individuals to freely and unrestrictedly carry out these "three illegal police actions" would pose an unimaginable threat to the human race.

What would happen to state secrets? What will be the plans of key figures in the state?

Nations will cease to exist, organizations will not be able to maintain themselves as organizations if their secrets are stolen from each other, and individuals will not be able to maintain themselves as members of society through their connections to each other.

This is the great collapse of the one-human society.

Who can be held responsible for this great collapse of humanity?

It has been 31 years since the "two illegal police points" were identified and revealed to the world. Thirty-one years is more than enough time to clarify this illegal situation.

Japan can no longer play games in the international community with regard to the "three illegal police acts".

What has been clarified is that the "illegal police triad" was perceived as a threat.

What has not been solved is because it is not seen as a threat.

Do the public security police, who are in charge of maintaining the system of the Japanese state, affiliated with the "Security Bureau" and the "Security Planning Division" of the "National Police Agency" of Japan, not have an awareness of the crisis that exists in the world?

Who and where are the "three illegal police points" held?

To deceive is to make the Japanese government an enemy of the whole world.

It is not negligence, but failure to crack down is already a criminal act.

Why and for what purpose does the NPA not expose the masterminds behind the "Illegal Police Three-Point" scheme?

7. Jan. 2022.../


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